April 12, 2020
I know we are all feeling a sense of loss for the traditions we have had on Easter. We can’t get together with loved ones or participate in events that have been meaningful to us they way we once did. Or maybe, holidays in general are difficult for many who may have complex family situations or hurtful memories. But no matter the back stories of our lives, I have heard many times in the last few weeks; “it just doesn’t feel like Easter”.
I have found a renewed sense of purpose in this holiday focusing on the resurrection story and the person, Jesus, who overcame death so that a world could live. The world has never known a man who gave his life in such a brutal way so that we could live eternally…and he still lives.
He did not just die for the whole world. He died and resurrected for each one of us and wants to have an intimate relationship with you and with me. And for that reason, the day that Jesus resurrected was and forever will be, the best day ever!
Maybe church and Christians have turned you off in the past, I completely understand that. Sadly, although we might not like his followers or the houses that claim to worship him, we will find a very different person when we seek Jesus himself and believe him and that in turn gives us more love for all around us. That is all he asks us to do.
Thank you for listening. Much love and many Blessings to each of you today and always♥
#thebestdayever #newlife #forgiveness #relationship #easter