Add No Sorrow To It

November 17, 2017


The Blessing of The Lord Makes One Rich and Adds No Sorrow To It…The Holy Spirit spoke that to me one morning upon waking. It was very quiet but definitely The Spirit leading me into all truth. I knew what He was speaking to me about. My flesh was tempting me in a completely different direction that day. I kept repeating what the Spirit was saying hoping that, that in itself, would keep me from making opposite choices. I even looked it up in the Bible (Proverbs 10:22) because, although I knew it was in Proverbs some where, I wasn’t sure which verse.  If only I had headed that still, small voice, but I eventually did not and it cost me enormous emotional pain unlike any thing I have yet experienced. Such Sorrow! Such grief! Months of mental anguish and a lesson learned in such an excruciating pain.

I was reading The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson this morning and it reminded me of this very verse. “Sin will complicate your life in negative ways. The blessing of God will complicate your life in positive ways.” “Blessings will complicate your life in ways God wants it complicated.”  So even though it Is truth that No Sorrow will be added to your life…it doesn’t mean it will not be complicated in all ways that bless!!

We have a very complex and complicated marriage!! But The Blessing of The Lord is upon it, and He most definitely is using these situations to expose the deep things He wants to teach us through it. When we try to make a left turn, or  make our own plan to get out of or around that “Blessed Complication”, we add so much brokenness and sorrow. I know, I have been there.

Do you ever read my blogs and think; she rarely shares on Aromatherapy?!! Well, although I am an Aromatherapist, I am holistic in the way I think. Mental, emotional, physical and spiritual all work together and we need to consider them all if we want to be healthy! I want to encourage you in the deep things of life! I want to remind you not to add sorrow to your blessed complexities!! And I want to keep encouraging you to move forward wherever you are in the process<3