Julia Allman

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Originally published January 25, 2016

“When we perceive our lives as having no value, purpose or significance, we become miserable.” The Search For Significance- Robert McGee

Well this must be an epidemic then, because the world is full of miserable people…..I can even be one myself at times!

This will not be a lengthy blog, but just some thing to think about today as we start the week. If you take an irritability or frustration back to it’s core emotion….what is your perception? What are you believing about that situation- true or not so true?

The truth is, every one of us has value, purpose and significance and the way we perceive that shows up in our lives. You were created for some thing great. You were created for a purpose. You matter to those around you. No matter how bad things are, there is a way to see beyond it, you just may not be able to do it right now-but don’t give up. You are extremely valuable….far above “rubies”.

What step can you take today to believe that? Is there some one in your life who has been an encouragement to you in the past? Is there some one in your life who encouraged you in your talent or your skills? Is there some one in your life who told you that you did a good job? Think about those things (Philippians 4:8) reach out to those people, and be that to some one else!

Take a step today! I am here to tell you, you can have a new out look<3